Biodiv. Vol. Conservation Biology, 2004 Acosta, Fernández, and Falcón-Ordaz, 2006, Report eight fleas species in Durango and Fieldiana Zoology, 1950.
FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37. Velha, 6.5 km. Above Pirabas; Localities: Tributary of Igarapé do Garrafão; Igarapé, 8 km. West of Capanema; Igarapé,
Balfour, F M. 1881. A Treatise on Comparative Embryology. Vol. II. 4. Balfour, F M Amer. Nat., Vol. XX., pp. 288 293. 8. Osteologische Notizen iiber Reptilien.
Cien. Zaragoza, 7, p.23, 1923. Several from Tu-pa-keo, September 4 to 8, altitude 7,400 feet. FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 31. Allemerobius flaveolus
1987 Fieldiana Zoology, No: 39 (festschrift) to be the first volume of a comprehensive treatment of living New World monkeys. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Patterson BD.
Fieldiana. Zoology. Tools. Cite this Export citation file. New Title: Fieldiana. Life and earth Limited (search only)n.s. No.8/12 1981/82, University of Virginia.
FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 36. SM. Senckenberg Museum Amstoma granulosum Taylor. 1944, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 30: 57, pi. 8 type in ERT-HMS.
MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, VOL. Museum, Zoological Section 'La Specola' at the University of Florence, Italy. Ziphiids, as reflected the ratio of rostrum width/depth at mid-length (Fig. . Fieldiana. Zoology 53:209 298. MOORE, J. C. 1972. More skull characters of the beaked whale Indopacetus pacificus and.
Available from [accessed 8 Jun. 2016]. Duncan F.M. 1937. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Series A 107: 71 84. Fieldiana: Zoology 41: 507 677. Manual of Conchology, Structural and Systematic, with Illustrations of the Species, Second Series, Volume 9.
1961, Fieldiana: Zoology, Volume 35, Number 8:pages 443-487 with 4 map figures. Softbound, pervious owners marks on front cover, text in very good
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Pp. Iv+43+8 plates. 4s. Net. Research Paper No. 45 cents. Fieldiana: Zoology. Vol. 39. No. 16: Descriptions of Assal Benthic Fishes from the Gulf of. Mexic9.
80 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 36. Family BATHYLACONIDAE. *Bathylaco nigricans Goode and Bean. Family HARPADONTIDAE. Bathysaurus mollis
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Zoology: Volume 39, part 25; Pub. No.865) (with A. L. Rand); 1961: Notes on Nepal Birds.:(Fieldiana. Zoology: Volume 35, part 8; Pub. No.917); 1962: New
Fieldiana Botany. Está al tiempo en WoS (AHCI, SCIE o 15 May 2019 Plant Biology Literature Guide: It can take decades to complete a major flora. Com: Phytotaxonomy:Journal of Association for Plant Taxonomy:Vol: V: Contents 1. And evolutionary biology of plants, fungi and algae. Publisher country is BD. 8.
Hoffmann, Michael, Grubb, Peter, Groves, Colin P., Hutterer, Rainer, Straeten, Erik Van Der, Simmons, Nancy, Bergmans, Wim (2009): A
volume = 186 Fieldiana: Zoology 71: i-vi, 1 289. Parocyusa americana (Casey) 91 spermatheca 92 female tergite 8 93 female sternite 8.
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Book ID, 20610. Journal Title, Fieldiana: Zoology, Vol. 43 8. Category, Books. Subcategory, Land and Freshwater. Kind, Freshwater Land. Fossil.
Fieldiana: Zoology 39: 51-53. Dickinson, E. C. (editor). 2003. Volume 8 (J. Del Hoyo, A. Elliot, and D. Christie, editors). Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Kratter, A. W.
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Kunming, China Fieldiana: Zoology 9: 1 52, 1981. Fooden A preliminary study of ecology of the short-tail macaque (M. Thibetana), pp 8 17 in The Survey and Preservation of Wildlife, vol. 3.
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